

Concept Artist and Illustrator

Contact: alexriesart(at)



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Paintover the 3D teams' work to show how the Chelicerates' mouth works in

64 421

Oddball sketches from toward the end of development. Had fun with these critters!

81 592

I am going to attempt to reconstruct the extinct giant Eurypterid Hibbertopterus trundling along out of water.

Paleo friends: how does one find the really meaty reference material? Any good sites/experts I should visit/talk to?

38 271

Breakdowns of just how the organism works...

23 166

Will post the final later: here are early explorations of the Pinnacarid both swimming and resting on the ice. The name combines Pinniped (seals etc) and Anomalocarid in reference to the the final fin design.

27 246

Experiments with egg designs for the 'Sea Monkey' in

45 319

Work I did on the Veiljaw AKA Nootfish. A chubby deadly fellow.

36 282

A thread of Arctic Peepers: it was a privilege to get to concept-up the coldwater variant of this iconic cutie!

Click through for more/

33 279