

Concept Artist and Illustrator

Contact: alexriesart(at)



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The reason I havent posted new art for a while is that learning 3D has sucked my brains out of my eyeballs. Should be done with that soon and back at the Birrin book.

3D just has never come intuitively to me so learning it is a fearful process.

Here are some 2D urchin guts.

37 408

Early sketches for the Soldiers of the Reclamation.

33 233

The Cloakmouth, a football-sized predator from deep in Chriirah's oceans. Prey drawn in by the luminescent lure is held fast by the jaws, while the pigmented mouthparts close and prevent the use of defensive Bioluminescence.

81 469

Evolution of the gentle Sky-rays of the tropics in Subnautica could have produced terrors in the colder areas for Below Zero. These were simple studies and progressed no further to my knowledge.

94 632

Explorations for a parasite that could have threatened the player in Subnautica: Below Zero.

The creature would first modify the behavior of the host, then force the growth of organs to spread the pathology. It would have been wise to keep ones' distance...

85 585

Its !

I am Alex and on the hunt for concept art work. I most recently worked on Subnautica: Below Zero and have more than a decades experience under my belt.

Shoot me a PM or an email if you are hiring!

155 951

Progress and the final of 'Kaybor Gate', one of the greatest birrin ruins and predating even the Fall War. Their great size would be impossible in stone; they are built over a geodesic lattice sealed with organic resins and strips of a sand/resin mix almost impervious to rot.

55 443

Neptunes Pride 2: Diplomacy!

7 153

More archives: Resource gathering cards from Neptune's Pride 2

18 172

More archive work: environment cards for Neptune's Pride 2

34 222