

👧🍵🐱💄 • paleobiota, Arknights, vtubers • ID/EN • 🚫 NO AI • Do not use my works without permit

フォロー数:1039 フォロワー数:1500

Giant bison, because why not?

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Boobs teeth. Teruntuk yang sempet minta (udh lama bat).
Finally, after trying many style to draw this fucca, I settle with this kind of simple sketch-like look inspired heavily by many artists, namely Mr. .

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Yo, yo, I'm a hobby artist that draw animals almost exclusively, but I also love cartoons!

3 17

Huso! Genus sturgeon (Acipenseriformes) super langka yang menghuni perairan di Eurasia.
Ikan pada genus ini dikenal karena ukurannya yang dapat mencapai 1 ton lebih, menyaingi ikan matahari dan oarfish sebagai ikan bertulang sejati terbesar di dunia.

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A lil' bit of famous lampriforms :D!

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Drawing a neo-spino both for joining the bandwagon and also to celebrate the birthday of my dearest friend,

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My take on Hainosaurus, a chonker.

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