

Sorceress of Battleon
Making magic, puns, and video games at since 2009

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Just realized Pirate Captain Twig's expression matches his Undead Fish's toothy grin. (Pirate Captain Twig comes complete with Plank weapon + Undead Fish 'n Icecream Snack). 😬💀 New rare 0 AC daily drop arrives this Saturday.

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YARRR! Definitely a handy reference guide. This is a wicked DeepSea Star Crew. Set designs by , color-customizable reward gear coming to this weekend for

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Sneak peek of a "new" NPC coming to AQWorlds later this month! If you're a fan of the original AdventureQuest (, you might just recognize the nightmarish royal that is porting over.

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Some art updates to make sure the design is unique to AQWorlds. This is a work in progress and additional changes are likely, but 's goal is to keep the spirit of 's design while not infringing on any other IP.

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Progress update from on an upcoming TLaPD farming reward set! Original design by , submitted during the 2021 TLaPD set design contest. This set is scheduled to arrive later this month at

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The Black Dragon Companion cape will arrive next month during AdventureQuest Worlds 14th Birthday / Artix Entertainment 20th anniversary rares shop! Red areas are color-customizable. (h/t to for the base cape design)

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AQW Hero asked on Discord tonight whether the Cape of Awe could be color-customizable. Sounded like a good idea to us! So for the 14th birthday event, we'll add the CC cape and armor (cape fabric sections CC) in for everyone with the items.

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This weekend's war rewards will include the Mana Flame set. Two palette choices are shown below. Which is your favorite? Vote for your favorite in the poll directly below the image.

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The Dominator's Touch cape released last week in the Featured Gear Shop had its rarity accidentally changed. It should be rare, and will have its tag updated with tonight's server restart.

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Hey -- I was making some in-game wall decals for player housing and had a💡-- we should turn some of our Derp pets from AQW into stickers. Wistful Derp Watermelon... Cranky Derp Cookie... Perplexed Derp Pizza, Triumphant Derp Taco.

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