

Sorceress of Battleon
Making magic, puns, and video games at since 2009

フォロー数:96 フォロワー数:108122

the Long Locks hair helm with no morph face will arrive in Bev's Wig Shop tonight.

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Twilly passed on the message to the AE heroes in-game, too.

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In the real world, students are getting ready to go back to school next month, but THIS weekend you can log in to AQWorlds and gear up for battle (or hanging out with friends at Yulgar's). Find new "casual class" outfits in the /extracredit map at

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Defeat the Master Trainer this weekend to collect all the pieces of his armor set as test your combat skills in our Class Hall expansion. (over 60 new class trainer NPCs are being added with info on what their class is best at)

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Even though we have a server boost scheduled for every Weds, this Mean Girls / Regina George parody set from HAS to release on a Wednesday, It's required by pop culture law.

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Sneak peek at this month's new Apocryphal Yokai upgrade bonus pack, created by ! Coming to this Friday.

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Friday: battle the Grade A Bully and Meanest Girl during the "Not a Fetch Quest" quest, raid the School Supplies locker, defeat the Evil Console, and /slay Dogear for your final exam to unlock new casual gear in our "Back to School" /extracredit mini-zone.

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