Rodent 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Rodent 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Rats, Rats, we're the R A T S

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:124

*sigh* I hate seeing that you go through this Gen. You don't deserve this. I can't say everything will be fine cause we don't know what the future holds. Unfortunately anything can happen, good or not. I only hope that you get the good in life that you deserve senpai.

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Idt they're good friends if they avoid you and unfollow you when you're in a tough time. I hope you'll be okay. I won't avoid you because I was in the same spot before as well. I'm an internet friend for good sir. I hope someday we both bounce back. You deserve happiness senpai.

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You got this senpai! We'll be cheering you on no matter what :3 (I'm not sorry for the gif)🙌👌

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I hope you'll be okay. I lost my grandma years ago and it broke me. It hurts. I hope the pain will lessen it's hold on you in time. You're a great man and your mother was more than likely an amazing woman. Stay strong Tyler. We're here for you in a time of despair.💓💕💝

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