Rodent 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Rodent 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Rats, Rats, we're the R A T S

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:124

We don't call that thing or people who lie about rape a woman. This is more of what they are.

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Thank you senpai~ you deserve happiness as well cutie.

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Ugh I hope you'll be okay senpai.

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That's what matte liquid lipstick is for.

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So like, I'm wondering if I should update my Minecraft. I REALLY want to tame a fox but the updates not finished and it will bring bugs if I do. I don't want bugs but I REALLY want a pet fox. Should I go for it? I mean look at that face! So Derpy yet so cute! 😍😍😍

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But... Senpai is the best to me! And to many others as well. I've been going through my own hell. Feeling like I'm not worth anything. But I know deep down that I am worth something and you are too! We won't let you go senpai! You mean too much! Please remember we're here for you

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