

★ art, comics, games, archaeology, heritage, & museums ★ international PhD student @hokkaidouni アイヌ・先住民研究センター. they/them. All views are my own.

フォロー数:1578 フォロワー数:2269

I was talking to a Japanese colleague about censorship in early anime dubs in the US- cuts, closeups, overlays, and language. She really enjoyed how Sailor Jupiter’s “talents” have (had?) become a widespread joke... I forgot to tell her about the “cousins”.

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Also, I looking forward to properly furnishing my place and not living like a squatter after I get back from AU.

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I cleaned up my doodle from a previous session with . Would this make a cute (dig)shirt?

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Fantastic news!!! Sounds like the best time for a well-deserved break.

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It reminds me of Felix Colgrave’s DOUBLEKING.

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I got eight hours of sleep and my body is like...

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I hope you get there! I never had a strong desire to go, but my sister and I planned a trip there after graduating from Uni. We rented a car & drove around the island w/ her dog & a tent. I fell in love with the landscape, especially the west coast. Below are the cliffs of Moher.

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