Andi~nyan the Musekitty 😺🧶さんのプロフィール画像

Andi~nyan the Musekitty 😺🧶さんのイラストまとめ

Hi~! I'm Andinyan, here to soothe your woes!
Model/rigging: @rokujoujoon
Tags: #andinyart #fandinyart

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:317

Good afternyan! My for today is 寺, temple!

It's primarily used for Shinto-Buddhist temples, and you can see it in the kanji - it has a layered roof and a big ornate entrance. Associations like this make it much easier to remember a kanji. ^_^

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ようこそ! My for today is 家, house/home!

This is a pretty hard kanji for me to remember, but it's made up of 宀 (roof) and 豕 (pig), and people raised pigs at their houses.

So there's how you can remember it more easily! ^_^


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Good afternyan! Today's features 戸, door! It's also used as a counter for houses.

Note on counters: Japanese has certain characters which are used to 'count' the number of a certain kind of something, i.e. 3戸 = 3 houses.


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ようこそ! Here's my for today, featuring 室, room.

This appears to be a kanji where the kun-yomi reading has (mostly) fallen out of general usage. The on-yomi reading appears to get used a lot!

Thanks for coming and I'll see you tomorrow!

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And then there's the rather famous magical girl anime which has the main characters based on the planets and satellites. Not the sun, oddly enough.

Anyway, that's all for my kanji study today. Thanks for listening to my little talk on this. ^_^

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Good afternyan, and here's my for today, featuring 星, star!

I remember this kanji well since it includes both 日(sun) and 生(life), so "living sun". Stars twinkle after all. ^_~

The next tweet will have notes on the planet names.


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Welcome to my Today is the halfway point in Elementary 2, meaning I've covered 160 kanji, and features 岩, boulder or cliff!

I usually think of this based on its elements 山 (mountain) and 石 (stone), so mountainous stone.

See you tomorrow!

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Good afternyan and ようこそ (welcome) to my Today is 海, sea!

What's the first thing you think of when someone mentions the sea? For me, it's fish (and seafood in general). ^_~

にゃりがとう! またあした (thanks and until tomorrow)!

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Good afternyan! My for the day is 池, pond!

I find it quite cool that this was used to make the word 電池 (denchi), battery. Given the ubiquitous nature of technology, batteries are everywhere in our society.

Thanks for stopping by! またにゃ!

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Good afternyan, and ようこそ (welcome) to my Today features 雲, cloud!

I couldn't actually find any sentences using the on-yomi reading ウン; this kanji looks like it mainly uses the kun-yomi reading.

Thanks for stopping by, またあした, にゃ!

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