Andy_Moon ♌ TWICE ERA ✨さんのプロフィール画像

Andy_Moon ♌ TWICE ERA ✨さんのイラストまとめ

(🇧🇷🇯🇵🇺🇲) ACAB - BLM - LGBTQ+
contact: [email protected]
✨chaotic stupid✨
weeb af, League sucker and very fond of barely clothed men :3

フォロー数:460 フォロワー数:168

One more titty fanart featuring an One Piece character uwu.
🔁 and ♥️ if you like it ><

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Hi! I'm Andy. I love drawing men e.e if you like what you see, consider following uwu

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Só umas amostrinhas doq fiz recentemente uwu espero q goste

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To pensando em fazer dele um novo oc, oq acham lendas?

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Hey hey hey! Eu sou Andy, tenho 20 anos e amo desenhar homi bonito e.e btw meu oc se chama Lance. Me segue aí ♥️

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Eu sou muito boiola por eles 👉👈
Me segue aí se gostou uwu ♥️🔁

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