Angel Ganev ⚜さんのプロフィール画像

Angel Ganev ⚜さんのイラストまとめ

🎨 Self-Taught Artist
✨ Helping artists improve
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フォロー数:18181 フォロワー数:26444

Adding textures is easy, keeping yourself from overdoing it is hard. 🌈 😄

5 41

Once you learn to paint smoke, all your paintings have smoke. 🌬 😄

13 77

Lot of different fundamentals in Concept Art but spiderweb thingies must rank somewhere around the top 🕸 😄 😄

6 63

Emerald is such a kingly color 🔱 🎇 😁

1 24

Creature conceptss 🐉 Color dodge saliva increases badassery by at least 34% 🐲 🙈 😄

11 50

My painting process consists of coming up with a cool gesture pose and trying not to ruin it for the next 5 hours 😄🌟

11 58

Yo how come dwarves are always portrayed fat ? 🙄 Don't they like eat Paleo and hunt all day ? 🐻 😄

3 34

So hard to make subtle value changes on a soft female face 🤒 😁

17 85

Bottom of the breast is totally okay but those nipples evil tho 👿 Gotta censor em, a true creation of Satan 👻 😄

4 42

Blue&Orange best color combination EVAAH 💫 😻 Jakesuli fan art 😄

3 33