Angel Ganev ⚜さんのプロフィール画像

Angel Ganev ⚜さんのイラストまとめ

🎨 Self-Taught Artist
✨ Helping artists improve
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フォロー数:18181 フォロワー数:26444

Skulls, a magic stick and ancient runes. If that ain't REAL concept art, I don't know what is, people ✨ 👌😄

8 57

Most important thing about fantasy work is to not think about whether your designs actually make any sense irl 😅 Reality so overrated 🙈🦄😄

10 54

Running out of ideas for dragon heads and gradually transitioning to creatures in general 🐉😁 That bottom cow looking real mean tho 🐮😄

12 82

Finding love in simplicity 💖😍 I swear, I want to able to paint the hair in no more than 3 brushstrokes 🐲😄

9 65

That moment when you get fed up with detailing a background and you just slap some random brushes on top 👌😅

8 59

Painting a black crow turns a dark piece into a macabre one 💀 They sooo cute tho 🙈😄

5 59

Less talkin', more smokin' ☘😄 Smoke is definitely my new favorite thing to paint 🤒😁

11 79

Trying not to add colors in Photoshop is like having chocolate cake in front of you and trying to eat spinach 🍵😭😄

3 36

Concepting dragons: 1 standard dragon-ish, 1 cute big-eyed and 1 weird AF that doesn't know where he's at 🐉 😄 😅

14 54

Oh geez,really wanted to paint a crazy extreme character pose from imagination ..this is how much I could push it 😅😅

2 48