

Art only account @SmotMae.
Only shit talk and shit posting here. Very annoying.

フォロー数:389 フォロワー数:605

The culture skins in Overwatch certainly is appreciated, in that, they're fairly well designed, but clearly was a marketing tool to appeal to people for profit. I never got into the game because I saw through that.
Kirby in a head dress is less problematic...loose the war paint.

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Does the little dragon shoot lasers? I like it very much if he does. And he's got that stupid red head thing going on that's an anime trope. Good shit.

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This movie (Enchanted Princess from 2018) is still stupid but I did enjoy it. It's got a mix of full motion animation and then tweening horriblness. However, much like the recent Pinnoccio story, it's got a lot of weird WTF story writing bits that make it unintentionally funny.

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So her name is Brandy huh? Can I just say, her stance was kinda familiar.

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I just think we need to cleanse our palette with something everyone can enjoy.

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I'm gonna just say, Cartoons were always making pervy content in kids stuff and it wasn't considered "grooming". Cartoonists just want to push the boundaries of what jokes and or stories they want to tell.
You're just repeating SJW talking points. https://t.co/2ssX7c3VVO

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So it seems that the character mostly has a hood, which, when drawn, vibes like a Spawn knock off. It shall utilizes sharp black and white contrast.
Disney's version is like a joker wannabe with the stitched up mask.
Who is this guy and why did he get a series?

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