

Illustrator, concept and character artist, fan artist

Currently drawing anime waifus

フォロー数:1013 フォロワー数:689

Fell into the rabbit hole
No ragrets

Good sleep 🐑

17 62

Hi Red. Congrats on your milestone!!

Doesn't need that armor specifically. Just the blonde bobbed hair and a slender fit build is her style.

0 2

I miss having time to draw. I started this back in July/August? Started on my phone and had set up my phone and computer to easily transfer files between the 2. And still I couldn't get the time to polish it to the extent that I wanted.

313 1964

Bunny Byleth I thought was an easy pick for but maybe next year.

Had some extra time to draw so I got some of it done.

261 1225

Just added a few years and tore her jacket sleeves off.

Happy belated

13 40