

24 | FIN/ENG | i draw, cosplay and play games | art @nereidere | xiv spam @alphinaudsgf

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:1346

tumblr somehow decided that ceto (that's their name) is a cannibal and someone wanted them to drink their blood and i'm always ready to deliver such a nice request

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another new character, yes they're ugly on purpose sdfgh

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niko with one of his pets !! <333

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i really wasn't gonna ship them at first but then i realized. i was a fool

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hey @ me stop this,

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first doodle of the daughter of the family that acelin and niko work for... ;0c

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😭😭😭 i've only had niko for like 2,5 weeks but he already has the most story out of my ocs ooops anyway here's a baby boi im love him

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also this, i lost the full drawing bc i'm a dumbass and didn't save but. tail

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my boooye + another doodle i never posted on twitter i think

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i love u but you're so hard to draw ugfhf

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