

@BoredApeYC MAYC#17771 🍌 @asterixlabs #4416 @bitcoinwizardry #271 🧙🏻‍♂️ @Azuki Elemental#17176 @BeanzOfficial #13199…

フォロー数:2092 フォロワー数:3006

Thanks for those cannons. Looks like I can start benching 400lbs

1 16

Gotta love the doodles eco and community. Never knew how active and close the community is until I joined about a month ago. Discord/Twitter, you name it. There everyday and never regretted. Only feeling underexposed.

0 1

After months of flipping and days of hunting for the right doodle I finally found “the doodle” for me. Can’t wait on this amazing journey with and team. Game changing creativity and innovation. Never fails to impress.

8 151