

@BoredApeYC MAYC#17771 🍌 @asterixlabs #4416 @bitcoinwizardry #271 🧙🏻‍♂️ @Azuki Elemental#17176 @BeanzOfficial #13199…

フォロー数:2092 フォロワー数:3006

Azuki. Never been a day I ain’t proud to be a member. Sold and flipped nearly my entire portfolio and the only one that stays put. Even more proud being a !DD gang.

1 58

I’m not even ashamed of myself. (Grabs another bag of chips)

0 1

I’ll let u draw my dick peeking out of pants zipper beanz

0 3

Nice buy. Dickie says hi. He just landed at my home.

0 1