

Crazy Lazy FanArtist. Eat, Draw, Sleb 💤. ID🇮🇩/EN🇬🇧 OK! JP🇯🇵 still learning^^

フォロー数:152 フォロワー数:18

No Blur Ver.

1. I was hesitating when it comes to draw Zea's dress's details... but glad I make it.
2. Sorry I redraw your dress without asking 1st... hope you like it!^^
3. Hopefully this won't be my last artwork in 2020... tho I'm lazy enough ( °3°)

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Drawing Process for learning purpose

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Nurutin janji buat dedekk :3
Janji dr Selasa,
Nggambarnya sih lumayan cpt, tp ngumpulin niatnya yg lama xD

Anyway, shall I continue the other apron ver?
Kalo byk yg minta (maybe 50RT? +restu Papa?) gaskeun! xD

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Gatau kenapa, tpi tiba2 aja pgn bkin kado dadakan pas nonton live stream..
Sekalian ng-challenge diri sendiri bwt gambar cepet

Bru bkin jam 0:45-an, berharap bsa selesai sblm Alia end stream
but, looks like I didn't make it xD
HBD ~!!

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Been a while since my last time drawing...
Just doin' some random doodle.
Tho, in the end it looks like without her glasses for some reason(?) 🤔 lmao 😂

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reference: 's ダダダ天使

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