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Buhay 1.13.22. Yes, a customer wanted to hook me up with his sister. Even after I flashed the ring, he was still trying 🤦🏽♂️ “I’m happily married sir” aww, the things that happen at the day job #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #funny #workadventures #immarried
Buhay 12.16.21. Meeting Santa back in the day obviously, this didn’t really happen, but this is a reimagined world, & this is what I want for Christmas now 😁 #art #comics #filipino #buhay #funny #santaclaus #redistributethewealth #backintheday #reimagined #whatiwantforchristmas
Gabriela x Angry Little Asian Girl. It’s my personal best of 2021 art to end the year. I’m gonna start with this fun Gabriela Silang in the style of #angrylittleasiangirl Once again shouts to @LelaLee and #fuckimperialism #art #illustration #filipino #comics #repost #bestof2021
Terno Dress x Converse Weapon. Filipino Fashion and Kicks month continue with a quick illustration of a classic Filipino dress and an iconic basketball sneaker.
#art #illustration #filipino #fashion #kicks #ternodress #converseweapon #iconic #quickillustration
Buhay 11.11.21. The Creative Process, a collaboration w/ Lolo. My wife got funding to create a film about her Lolo. Fitting this comes on Veteran’s Day. Her Lolo was a WWII Vet. #art #comics #filipino #cncbuhay #buhay #creativeprocess #filipinowwiiveterans #lolo #collaboration
Buhay 10.14.21. Where are you from? Part 1. Many BIPOC folks know this question well, so for Filipino American History month, I decided to make a comic about it. And yes, I’m from Tacoma 😋 #art #comics #filipino #cncbuhay #buhay #fahm #microaggressions #whereareyoufrom #tacoma
Pinay Battle Angel Alita & Anna May Wong x Madonna are on display at this year’s Emeryville Art Exhibition. My wife’s film, Synchronized is exhibited too! #art #illustration #filipino #emeryvilleartexhibition #SynchronizedFilm #annamaywong #madonna #stopasianhate #comethrough
Buhay 9.23.21. #SynchronizedFilm, the film that my amazing wife made, was screened at the Oakland International Film Festival. I’m so proud of her. It’s good to celebrate these victories. #art #comics #filipino #buhay #cncbuhay #OIFF #creativeprocess #celebratevictories