

Make game. Game gud. Senior Character Modeler. Indie dev of @InfiniteSkyGame. Streams Fridays at 7pm PDT

フォロー数:1910 フォロワー数:30628

I was doing some sketching and liked a witch doodle I did so I made a model from it. Wanted to see how far I could take it over the weekend.

7 91

We are live once again :) Lowpoly time continues!

1 29

Little updates from the stream :)

12 155

Alright today's progress! See y'all next week.

4 59

Stream Time! Likely not doing dev stuff today. Decided I'll do some classic art and work on my entry. There's a lot of work to be done :p

3 36

chipping away at this. Rough blockouts of the gear. I'm still not happy with the shoulder area and haven't started the boots but progress is being made :)

7 68

Havin more fun with this fellow! Really digging animating him haha

7 31

Forgot to post this yesterday. Just a bit of an update on our friend here

8 37

Alright stream's all done and here's where we ended up! See you all next week :)

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