

Anna | ♉ | 2D | граю в БГ3
Пані з примхами.
Мій акк на блакитному

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:481

The cute mouse for my future web site. ^_^

1 1

I’m not sure what ver. is better. (°ヘ°) So let these both arts exist!

68 123

of one cartoon about apple named and his friends.

1 4

is 16 years old now in =^・ェ・^=
I like when characters grow up during the shows.☺️

1 9

And suddenly I’ve understood who Lance and Hunk remind me of…#Voltron

71 139

I can't stop to draw fanarts, because I like this cartoon so much (T_T) . Little child Keith and his father.

85 112