

アニメーター LO/原画/ニ原 | ヒロアカが好き!| お仕事のご依頼はDMで要相談。
これは仕事関連の目的です。 | Don't reupload |

フォロー数:1430 フォロワー数:7333

How I felt starting this drawing vs how I feel now

4 34

Riko Amanai, I can't wait to see her animated in season 2. I wonder if I got the colors right...

10 48

I did 's challenge and I think it turned out really pretty!

1 9

Old I can render is I put my mind to it, but anime was too powerful

0 3

Finished the color on Mirko! Quite happy with this one! 😁

15 38