

Eldritch Nothing, He/Him/They/Them, Actor, Voice Actor, Certified Caregiver, 37 yo guy whose trying to get his shit together, No one under 18

フォロー数:1012 フォロワー数:627

Been playing Have a Nice Death and this is the most game to ever come out. It's drop dead gorgeous too. Just a little guy.

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Forgot that is just in Darkest Dungeon.

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Darkest Dungeon once again having the most wretched of enemy designs. So gross XD

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Anytime I get a salad. I can’t be the only one.

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Going back to the convos I've had with . Things fans don't want to think about but should. Do the girls with reptile like features/tails have folks help them with their chronic shedding? How do the girls with horns groom? Do they use a phile? Head wingsmolt

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