

Zac Fitzsimmons.
🤘Hail Satan 🤘
Weirdo obsessed w/ Metal Gear D MGDiscord
Animator for @heka_collective

フォロー数:420 フォロワー数:712

This is peak masculinity. Deal with it 😎

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Look at how cool this poster was. I’m still sad Solid Rising never happened, but Revengeance was just fine.

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I was about to throw shade at Werehog for ripping off Daxter’s were.. thing but it actually came out a year before. Soo nvm

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I’m ready for a Scamper the penguin cinematic universe.

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If this ISNT the official movie poster I’m going to be upset.

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I habe no idea how to save pixel art so it doesnt blur. Just took a screenshot and cropped it haha

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