

vi / rinny. she / her. 26 🌻 @dohterscharity 🌷 @seichuus @heartfragment @reserene_ @itsallliz @doubledemonfang 🌹 @MrChes9195

フォロー数:258 フォロワー数:57

I can assure you all that (regrettably) I did not forget about this, so here's my take on the collaborative demon oc I posted for earlier! take it, you heathens.

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For some reason I can't find his original design sheet... Just your average emo dude (+ fantasy armor because I've always been a slut for fantasy verses)

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I'm not really a 'sona kind of gal so take my pokemon avatar vs me

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24) hoenn also holds a special place in my heart. blows kiss.

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23) johto is my favorite gen but god. my top three overall are actually umbreon, houndoom, and typhlosion, but for the sake of diversity, here's faves that haven't been used yet

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22) alakazam's a top contestant here. I'm sorry I still live in the kanto and johto days so all my faves are thE SAME

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21) this is just a gimme considering my previous answers but also pokemon colosseum made me INCREDIBLY biased. flareon is up there too.

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20) this is actually kind of mean because I do like a lot of starters but. ultimate babies forever.

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19) this meme doesn't make the distinction between legendary and mythical pokemon so neither will I (otherwise you'll have to see me list silvally again because I love it). I'm just a slut for johto movies

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