

vi / rinny. she / her. 26 🌻 @dohterscharity 🌷 @seichuus @heartfragment @reserene_ @itsallliz @doubledemonfang 🌹 @MrChes9195

フォロー数:258 フォロワー数:57

18) fairies are baby land

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17) [jangles keys] steel!

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16) thank you all for letting me get far enough down the list to post dark types, I have an agenda and its called dark canids

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15) I'd like seven please

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14) ghost is also a hard type for me to choose only three from... find the other faves hidden around wherever I could shove them

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13) yes, I know I already have larvitar further up. no, I will not apologize. picking rock faves was also suffering

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11) a galarian ponyta that's powering up has mardi gras colors and you can't take that from me

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10) birds birds birds bat

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9) ground....harder to choose than water and ice

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