

A Christian picture story teller…

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Thinking about the cruelty of crucifixion, the frogs were reminded of the dream they had at Christmas 2020.

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It was from another man under crucifixion. Joseph had been aware there were two men on the cross on the right and left sides of Jesus.

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Latte caught a new voice talking. He was searching where it came from.

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The frogs had nevertheless believed Jesus would teach human to have a better heart....

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The frogs were reminded that they had once heard from the local sheep about the human history with one war after another.

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The elder told the frog that the song Jesus quoted had been sung through their history.

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Jesus cried out to God why He had forsaken him. The frogs were shocked.

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It was unknown what method Latte took to show them Jesus, but Mary knew that he was eager to do so anyway.

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Latte used another way to show Jesus even through the darkness.

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The two wise animals seemed to know something.

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