

A Christian picture story teller…

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The disciples of Jesus thought as if Jesus were saying he would bleed for standing against the Empire, and got excited.

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The Frogram saw Flora leaving, accompanied with the chief servant. Of course, she would be back soon....

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Frogram let her go with prayer. It was the first time they prayed with Flora.

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Flora said Frogram a kind of goodby but the frogs believed they would see her again soon, for they thought it good that she was going to help her master.

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While the frogs were puzzled the meaning of Jesus' declaration, Flora's master's chief servant came to take her home.

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Wasabi imagined that in the kingdom of God they would not even grass individually, but receive altogether what God would give them - they would not need to find their food by themselves.

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The frogs thought of their hunting and being hunted life. They thought as if they had lived freely, but in fact, they had been bound in the 'food chain'

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Flora was moved by the will of Jesus to feed his disciples, for she was reminded of her master, whose will of feed her was her great joy.

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As Jesus compared the torn loaf of bread to his own body, the frogs were reminded of some kids-story.

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When the frogs thinking about what they should do, Jesus started to tear the bread.

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