

A Christian picture story teller…

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They described how the crucifixion of Jesus had occurred from their point of view.

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The travelers weren't aware it was Jesus himself speaking to them.

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The two travelers rebuked the frogs for their easy-looking attitude about the death of Jesus.

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Jesus did not only welcome those who came to listen to him, but he also went to people to talk.

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Jesus taught his disciples kingdom of God once again.

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With MaryMag's help, the frogs started to write a letter to Flora to let her know what Jesus did after his resurrection.

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The resurrected Jesus showed himself before James, that made him decide to join the disciples.

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Recently, the second son of Mary, namely the first son of Joseph joined the disciples. His name was James. He was raised as the younger brother of Jesus.

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Mary mother of Jesus stayed there too. She was always praying.

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