

A Christian picture story teller…

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Breakfast time in camping. The New Year Special has beguuuuun

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In this way, this story is to be continued to the New Year 2022 Special. It is due to my poor planning of the Christmas 2021 Special.

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They could not see either, where Latte was looking at.

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They had forgot to about the very star that the astrologists had found and been after, for they were so busy in the Nativity play. Now they looked up at the sky. The stars were beautiful but they couldn't find such a big one.

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Avatar for Jan 2022 - Lady Azalea's formal suit
The traditional formal suit of Azalea's house. Not girly, so she doesn't like it. She's always in a bad mood when she should be dressed like this.

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And then Saffron went rolling back to her position.

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Saffron said she did could not figure out at all what the frogs were doing in the play, but she believed them for the journey. Maybe it was a kind word.

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OK Once I exported it I'll never fix it

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Saffron said she had never seen Azalea laughing so merrily as tonight. It was surprising because they had never seen Saffron herself showing even a smile.

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Then Saffron in the sleeping bag came rolling to them.

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