

A Christian picture story teller…

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Now it was the time to go out for the journey to catch up their fathers.

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Flora regarded the letter as a very long one, and better to tell only the summary.

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But Azalea rather got angry at the picture.

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Eventually, one of the staff in Azalea's house came to inform the news about her father. They agreed altogether to check Azalea's fathers lab.

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Latte looked at Flora, and she was reminded that she was the best to trace anyone's track, if only she got something with the smell of her target.

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Azalea agreed to go with them too, but the frogs found they had a serious problem for the journey.

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It did not like that Azalea would hate to go with them.

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Azalea was skeptical about the info brought from the frogs. But Saffron had already decided to seek for her father anyway.

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My recent self-discovery : if Takuan wore a red shirt, his appearance from behind might be like somebody else.

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Saffron agreed with them immediately, which surprised Azalea.

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