

marcy • they/she/he • 26 • pan/nb • i love video games, i hope they love me back • i'm big seal! • 🎨: @sapphys

フォロー数:1328 フォロワー数:1077

Knuckles continues his quest for King Acorn's sword, and ends up meeting Tails' uncle, a wizard named ─ and I shit you not ─ Merlin.

This is a little too on-the-nose even for me lmao

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going back to the old me

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i dig that they decided to include this fuckin guy

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keep Athair's words in mind when we dive later into the comic's run cause that's gonna be important regarding the whole deal with the Echidnas

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oh hey nice, Knuckles and Tails actually get to go on an adventure together. And they're off to the Sonic equivalent of Australia for clues on how to save King Acorn via submarine because why the hell not

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bro this is just some One Piece type shit

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not even two pages in and already Sonic is picking another fight with Knuckles instead of talking shit out, no wonder Knuckles can't stand his ass

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see this is what I mean by the whole "characters having to explain every minute detail about what's happening at any given moment" thing. Does Gallagher think kids are that dumb or something lmao

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