

I grew up on Sega, I play Nintendo, and I'll occasionally doodle. Trying out the streaming thing on Twitch, too!

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:211

08-24-2019 Sketch - My hunch. My hunch. My lovely tablet hunch.

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You made me do this. You made me tell Denver about fossil fuels.

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08-20-2019 Sketch - Everyone else shootin' laser beams and Krillin just jumps right into the "gonna-chop-you-in-half" murder disc.

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08-18-2019 Sketch - Looks like I might have to draw a bunch of this guy over the next few weeks.

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08-17-2019 Sketch - Bestest fwends.

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08-16-2019 Sketch - I eated all the bamboo.

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08-13-2019 Sketch - I don't got much, but I got these bitchin' Hoover flags!

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08-12-2019 Sketch - When Layton flips his hat from front to back.

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08-11-2019 Sketch - I wish I were a joke, then someone might laugh.

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08-08-2019 Sketch - An apple a day...

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