

I grew up on Sega, I play Nintendo, and I'll occasionally doodle. Trying out the streaming thing on Twitch, too!

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:211

07-06-2019 Sketch - Hey there little mama, are those space pants [karate noises] because you look smart enough to work at NASA [flex] Let's you and I [pose] consent to an outing where we learn more ourselves.

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07-04-2019 Sketch - POOT ME IN YOR FACE HULL

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06-29-2019 Sketch - It's-a-wee Wario!

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06-27-2019 Sketch - WAHterpaint brush tool.

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06-19-2019 Sketch - After discussing the origin of Doublemint Gum, we concluded that this was the most likely scenario. (1/2)

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06-18-2019 Sketch - Why did you put on your oxygen mask first, mummy? I thought I was your number one boy, mummy!

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06-09-2019 Sketch - R.I.P. (5/5)

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06-08-2019 Sketch - No body wants to be a Ranger anymore, Chip. Just be a streamer like me and--wait, I just a stream goal, gotta do some jumping jacks... (4/5)

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