

Illustrator and writer. @NewYorker @WashingtonPost @NewYorkTimes @WallStreetJournal, @RandomHouse, @MADMagazine, @CartoonNetwork, 75+ children’s books.

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Today’s illustration for the Washington Post — in which I draw/define GALP: To chug a stein of beer while skiing down the Matterhorn.

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Today’s illustration for The Washington Post — in which I draw three “Googleyups” (a search revealing at least one hit) and one “Googlenope.”

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Today’s illustration for The Washington Post - in which I finally get to draw one of those impossibly exaggerated HBC drum majors as a Commander.

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Today’s illustration for The Washington Post — in which I don’t draw John D. Rockefeller handing out dimes to the people he meets, but do show him offering them a bite of his tapioca pudding.

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Today's illustration for The Washington Post -- in which I draw a s'more-spewing fat lady singing. Clearly THIS opera is over.

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Today’s illustration for The Washington Post - in which I show the moment before “the bullshit hits the fan” at the Treasury Department.

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Today's illustration for The Washington Post -- in which I draw alternate uses for N-95 masks in a post-pandemic world:

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My caricature of Rush Limbaugh for The New Yorker (2012)

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Today’s illustration for the Washington Post - in which I draw a yuge, obnoxious baby (hopefully for the LAST time, but I doubt it) going out in 2020.

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