

Illustrator and writer. @NewYorker @WashingtonPost @NewYorkTimes @WallStreetJournal, @RandomHouse, @MADMagazine, @CartoonNetwork, 75+ children’s books.

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Today’s illustration for The Washington Post — in which I draw “Edward Fortyniners.”

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Occasionally I go through my old files and find a children's story that I wrote over 16 years ago - and in re-read it I find that it's still pretty damn funny. Sometimes the best pizza is the kind that went cold but tastes better when re-heated. What I'm editing today:

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Today's illustration for The Washington Post -- a Cape Cod summer:

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Today’s illustration for The Washington Post: The Bolshy Ballet.

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Today's Bob Staake cartoon contest for The Washington Post.

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Today's illustration for The Washington Post - in which you must combine any pair or words found in the Mueller report, combine them to create a new two-word phrase, then define it. In this case "Umbrella-challenged: Not only not knowing when to fold 'em, but HOW to fold 'em."

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Happy National Puppy Day

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