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Online Japan was a F2P PC game from 2008. Due to its short life and exclusivity, details have been scarce. We highly recommend this new write-up by longtime community leader Razon, who not only played the game, but extracted all of its assets:

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Fun fact: despite being labeled "Super Bomberman 3", the artwork seen on the new Fangamer t-shirt is actually adapted from Bomberman '94.

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These are all the known character models from Bomberman 3DS, ripped from Tetris Axis (credits below). No.01 and No.04 are normal Bombermen, but the rest are unique characters, some of whom may be seen in the scant existing screenshots and footage of the game.

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In Super Bomberman R, Karaoke Bomber's model includes an ordinary faceplate behind her mask, which is never fully revealed during normal gameplay.

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Examination of the Ballom enemy model from Super Bomberman R reveals an... interesting... detail, which is typically not visible during normal gameplay.

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Bomber Santa Girl debuted in December of 2006, and she was among the last characters to be added to the game.

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We don't quite have big plans for October this year, but in case you missed out, you can still browse last year's hashtag for lots of spooky goodness.

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Unused 3D letters for the word "RANGERS" can be found within Super R. Each letter has a solid shadow, which has been removed here for visibility. The orientation of the letters seen here is exactly how they appear when imported one-by-one into a modeling suite.

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Speaking of fathers, has *two* dads! Dr. Mitsumori is his creator in some early games, while Dr. Ein is sometimes named as his creator in later games.

(Bomberman canon is traditionally inconsistent.)

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By the way, did you know that a scrapped storyline for Super 3 would have made Buggler into Bomberman's uncle? All this and more can be found at our recent article on Buggler:

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