

Official account for Bomberpedia, your trusted #Bomberman info source.

フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:393 Devil Bomber! Even stronger than his creator, Buggler, he was sealed away in the darkness because of his dangerous ego. He's only made 2 appearances since he broke out, but he certainly left an impression!

13 28 The fire-breathing Farah is described as a "kaijin", a strange, possibly supernatural person.

2 6 Westerners may know them from Animal Crossing, but the burial figures known as "haniwa" are common monsters in Japanese media. Majin Junior is a classic example.

3 10 The original Golem Bomber once fused with a sea dragon and transformed into the ghastly Golem Ghost! He controlled four Zombie Bombermen in a 5-on-1 battle.

8 19 Don't fear the reaper - she's kind of inefficient...! Pump debuted as a playable character in Saturn Fight!! and made a (nearly cut) cameo appearance in Bomberman Quest.

5 13 Battle Star, the planet of perpetual war, is patrolled by these Soldier Ghosts in MAX for the Pretty grim...! 💀#Bomberween

3 16 It's Bomber Witch! A solid ally in Wars and a tricky foe in Bomberman World, she's a rare type of character who actually uses Skull Panels. 💀🧙‍♀️#Bomberween

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They may be buried deep in the grave with the but the Midnight Bombers will live forever in our hearts (well, 3/4 of them are undead, anyway)...!

3 5 Hi, Bomberman fans! The next time someone asks "Who's MAX?", you can show them this article! From his mysterious origin to the evolution of his friendship with we've got you covered.

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According to the official Japanese site for Xavier Woods Bomber comes from the Planet US.

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