

I irregularly post YouTube videos about video game history and trivia. I was also an editor on the Sakura Wars 1 fan patch and I am leading the editing on SW2.…

フォロー数:245 フォロワー数:3860

Over time, the series spawned 10 installments that were planned, written, and composed by Ishiyama. He even produced a DS entry in the series. Later Ishiyama joined Square Enix in 2005 where he helped create FFXII: Revenant Wings, Blood of Bahamut, and Schoolgirl Strikers.

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Paranormasight seems to be written by Ishiyama Takanari (Schoolgirl Strikers), have character designs by Gen Kobayashi (World Ends with You), and features music by Hidenori Iwasaki (Front Mission 4/5). Takanari also wrote the Tantei Kibukawa Ryosuke Jiken Tan mobile ADV series.

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Leaf's third visual novel was originally going to be a dark fantasy title before it eventually became To Heart. However, you can still see art for this scrapped concept within the fandisc "Saorin to Issho."

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Still think about this random aside from Ogami in Sakura Wars 1 every now and then.

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Also, Nayuta was hands down Falcom's best looking PSP game. While it might look a little awkward at higher resolutions, it's low-poly presentation is very charming on original hardware.

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This is a fun group photo of Gust's old characters taken from the company's website in the early aughts. Even the protagonist of The Story of King Aress is represented.

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I was reading that the creator of High Score Girl was a fan of the original To Heart. If that's the case, I wonder if Akira/Makoto are modeled after Serika/Ayaka. They are both sisters with long dark hair that come from rich families where one is meek while the other is spunky.

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Not only that but then even translated the 1987 Xanadu manga and just published it on their site, which you can still read on WM. Falcom's old 90s website is a treasure trove of weird and interesting stuff like that.

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The tagline for Monochrome Mobius, "It's the story that brings an RPG to life," reminds me a bit of how Falcom marketed Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch back in the 90s, classifying the game as a "Poetic RPG" and always playing up the quality of its storytelling.

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This is the cover to a PC-98 mech strategy game called Kisou Shinden Gen-Kaiser. The title was released in 1995 by TGL and features character designs by Tooru Minazuki, who later joined Leaf and made designs for the Leaf Visual Novel Series (Shizuku, Kizuato, and To Heart).

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