

I took the road less travelled and have miles and and miles to go before I sleep.

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You call it being alone, I call it enjoying my own company.

48 123

Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see.

26 52

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change....Buddha

39 94

If one door closes and another opens you had better be worried because your house is probably haunted.

40 99

Leave room at the bottom of your garden for fairies to dance.

24 52

One unit of blood saves three lives, it is not just blood it is liquid life. Give blood.

27 51

Write your bad times in sand and your good times in stone.

42 81

How lovely are the portals of the night when stars gather to watch the daylight die.

20 54

If you light a lamp for someone it will lighten your path......Buddha

73 109