

💫🌌🐙🔎A dumbass who can occasionally draw or animate * She/They pronouns! thanks. * Contact me about N\F\T and/or Crypt0 and get immediately blocked!

フォロー数:1283 フォロワー数:67

HI! I'm Bun8un and I sometimes art??

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This might be an odd one (given her outfit and origins too) but what about Jack the Ripper from the Fate series?
Tho she isn’t a ninja, a lot about her feels ninja, like her ability ‘Information Erasure.’

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Posting the art I made for my stupid project cause why not,

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Did a doodle inspired by

Picrewの「レトロ風メイドメーカー」でつくったよ! https://t.co/wXXrjFTh9c

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"Credit to the artist Lol😂😂😂"

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I lost my phone pen so I tried drawing with my finger
Warning: Blood,

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“ If you save her, she’ll only make more people unhappy.”

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I see that you got a twitter so here you go~

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