

💫🌌🐙🔎A dumbass who can occasionally draw or animate * She/They pronouns! thanks. * Contact me about N\F\T and/or Crypt0 and get immediately blocked!

フォロー数:1286 フォロワー数:66

A birthday drawing for Snow_Flykra on Instagram
Follow her there if you want cute art~! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚

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I'm sick so I made this kinda quick drawing of Ralsei, Jade, and Calliope

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Those 24 hours are gone soooo~

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A quick doodle of new dad & Dadwriter
as thanks for the amazing show! It was so much fun!
(oh and I drew me too cause ha)

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A little gift for
Except... He doesn't even play FireEmblemHeroes....
Oh Well! it was fun drawing his Icon

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Here's my birthday gift for my mom since a simple bouquet flower isn't that great considering what she gave me
decided to make it spoopy cause of hallooween

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Yay! My commission sheet is done!

Just DM me for the details!
Ko-fi: https://t.co/LfXG8x6tHE

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I wrote a about my recent feelings
It's not aimed at anyone or thing.

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This has been my gaming situation since the game came out.
My solution? I'm daring all of my gamer friends to bet it, whoever beats it on their first try gets a bit of cash.

no one has claimed the cash

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