

Gyjo brainrot and WIPs. I'm scared to be here. principe Eva ♡

フォロー数:59 フォロワー数:8294

I need the SBR anime now. I need to hear Johnny call Gyro's name a million times NOW 😭

48 569

Johnny and Gyro with bergir 🍔

79 624

This is true Gyjo domesticity: Gyro sleeping while Johnny does all the work

63 556

Presented without context

18 325

Araki, probably: Johnny's little hair tufts were meant to evoke horns, indicating his more flawed and devilish nature
SBR fandom: C A T E A R S👁👄👁

35 358

Goodnight, have a Gappy and Giorno with burger 🍔

91 725

They're forever in the honeymoon phase 🥰

45 555

He has never done anything wrong in his life 🥺🤲

21 377