

3D Artist-Animator. Previously @ Playmake/LostArts, Fogbank. Known for @HatinTime Mods (Vanessa and Prince/Dress, Ribbon, Flower Crown). Big fan of NieR💔

フォロー数:604 フォロワー数:850

A few weeks ago I was researching point and click games then stumbled upon the Neverhood. Weirdest game I've ever played but very memorable.

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Here is a gif of da 'low poly' face for those who have problems loading the video

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Guzma teaching his grunts the proper way to squat Ahh I love team Skull, hopefully I'll find the time to make more doodles.

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Time to work on a new 3D model, or a space girl if you wanna call it that way.

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Just a drawing I made to release stress.

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Thanks for all the creepy imagery and theory material.

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An Evila doodle I colored a few days ago

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DAHDAHDAHDAAAH~ And the treasure chest opens

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Added a knight and armor to the horse, now I have to animate his transition to the gallop.

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