

Hello! I'm a Canadian Taiwanese, so please excuse me for any grammatical mistakes

フォロー数:4990 フォロワー数:237

-n Slayer season 2's polygamy and ass slap, eventhough in S1 you already had Zenitsu harassing a girl to marry him, being a creep and harassing Netsuko whenever he sees her, and was aroused by being touched by three little girls
It's fine if you don't like these scenes, I also h-

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-ost led her friends' death, who she grew to love, so the guilts and regrets just broke her
And if she is the traitor, then when she's capturing Deku with 1A, her words could had have double meaning and shows her resolve, that she no longer wants to be a vill-

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-d you don't need to buy all of our spin-offs to follow the story. I don't care if Horikoshi shoehorned in an extra from the movie that looks nothing like Star and Stripe, he could use any other background character and it'll make just as much sense. Horikoshi has b-

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Plot holes, the first movie played it so safe it's forgettable to say the least, that's why it's the only one that has the chance to be fully canon, but even then why didn't Melissa ever made a new gauntlet for Deku's costume? And why didn't they mentioned her in Ch.309?

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So now it's hard for anime-only to invest in the story, cause instead of it being worldbuilding that's still relavent to the plot, it's now just some unimportant "told not shown" history that has no effect on the present or the story (4/4)

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Redestro's words here would've carried more weight if we actually got to see him killed Miyashita, or cried watching his soilders dying for their cause, but they cut all of those, so now it just sounds like a cliche villain

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