

Jackie! I do digital paintings and draw traditionally with pencil.
New art at 12pm CST every Monday

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Yeah! Here's the original, a section of The Three Ages of Women. I flipped it so I could have Casca's brand lmao

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Was recording me drawing this but I'm slightly burnt out so I'll record finishing the rest later. But it's lookn cute so far, ya?

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Here's a side-by-side of that Sansa repaint. It's much livelier now, even if I was very sloppy.

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Digital artist here! I'm interested if you are. :)

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Even if you hold religion to a special light (tho many artists who drew biblical stuff were atheists), artists have rather historically been influenced by media. What is Ophelia other than fanart of a play? This is all 'fanart.'

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Love doing art shares. I do a lot of digital painting and also some traditional stuff with pencil, mostly Vinland Saga stuff.

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ahhh i think i've finally gotten satisfied. might fuck with it more later. but here's a previewww

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tryin to rework this fuckin thing to have a more interesting perspective. shit's hard skjdfgns

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this is down the road bc im forcing myself to finish the WIPs I already have first, and I still gotta create a painting of Griffith for a friend, but I'm tots gonna repaint this pic using Casca n her baby

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