

Jackie! I do digital paintings and draw traditionally with pencil.
New art at 12pm CST every Monday

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:497

I'm Jackie! I do traditional pencil stuff and digital paintings.
Mostly Vinland Saga, lmao

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im slightly drunk while doing this and it caused me to realize
im screaming

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huehuehue look how nice it looks now, tho still workn on it

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50% WIP, 50% finished art!
Painting is fun. My name's Jackie, I also do pencil stuff too sometimes

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I was in a repainting mood again, look at this wip so far. Big giant mess but I'm gonna make it much more colorful and cool. Old one was kinda bland.
Was getting a bunch of notes on Tumblr again so...

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up way too late bc i'm watching a streamer finish off the last of re8, i'll share where i am with my two last wips

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here, have one more look at that wip. face is pissing me off hardcore but i wanna fuck around n play vidya today so i'll stare at it some other time.
gonna scan n queue up the couple of stuff i did yesterday

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Finally getting somewhere with it. No longer boring at aaaaaaaaall!!!!

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lookie my handsome man

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