


フォロー数:279 フォロワー数:34

Naaahh I’m with Greil like fwump fwump fwump plapplapplap

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I’m thinking about Elena on this blessed day

1 29

Dark Water (2002)-

I don’t really have a lot to say about this movie. Interesting concept, but I was bored through almost the entirety of it. I’ll give it a D-.

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Brood (1979)-

This movie sucked major ass. A good concept, but the execution wasn’t enough to keep me happy. And our main man was the most blank-faced turd goblin. I was genuinely angry with this movie. I’ll give it an F.

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Hereditary (2018)-

I absolutely loved this movie. Lots of weird stuff, the supernatural and horrors of people, with twists that are oh so good. The ending was *chef-kisses fingers* magnifique. I’ll also give this one an A+.

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The Descent (2006)-

I really liked the setting. The characters were capable and certain parts of the movie were real claustrophobic. However, a lot of the scary bits were either too dark to see or the camera was very erratic. I’ll give it a C+.

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Suspiria (2018)-

While vastly different, it still gave off the same feeling as the original. More disturbing content, the soundtrack was amazing, I want to be Tilda Swinton’s wife, and the ending is everything I want in a horror movie . I’ll give it an A+.

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