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✏️ Kountouris (Grèce/Greece)
✏️ @roarhagen (Norvège/Norway)
"Europe, the epicentre of the pandemic"
Our weekly editorial is online on our website
Cartoons by @Royaards & @joepbertrams (The Netherlands)
[ÉVÉNEMENT] A l'occasion de la sortie du livre "En avant toutes !", en partenariat avec @amnesty, Cartooning for Peace et @Gallimard organisent une rencontre entre @LaureAdler et @plantu le 28 mars à 17h00 @divanlibrairie https://t.co/epRaHat1lt
[A WEEK IN THE WORLD] 📺 @MonsieurKak, president of Cartooning for Peace, is tonight at 7:10 pm on @DebatF24 to present cartoons on the #Coronavirus, the European #MigrantCrisis, #SuperTuesday and #Ouattara in Ivory Coast. Cartoons by @Royaards (Netherlands) & Danziger (USA)
"For March 8, International Women’s Rights Day, a new book: “Steady as she goes!"
Our weekly editorial is online on our website
Cartoons by Hall (USA) & Cost. (Belgium)
[A WEEK IN THE WORLD] 📺 Cartooning for Peace is tonight at 7:10 pm on @DebatF24 to present cartoons on the #Coronavirus, the #TurkeyRussia tensions in #Syria, the violences in #India and the #weinsteinverdict. Cartoons by @joepbertrams (The Netherlands) & @EmadHajjaj (Jordan)
"War in #Syria: #Idlib, the shame of humanity"
Our weekly editorial is online on our website
Cartoons by @EmadHajjaj (Jordan) & @Royaards (The Netherlands)
[UNE SEMAINE DANS LE MONDE] 📺 Cartooning for Peace est ce soir à 19h10 dans @DebatF24 pour présenter des dessins sur les élections en #Iran, les affrontements à #Idlib, les attentats à #Hanau et l'affaire Benjamin #Griveaux. Dessins par @dilem_ali (Algérie) & Lasserpe(France)
France: social media, best enemies of the politics?
Our weekly editorial is online on our website
https://t.co/vnGzLTEvrg #Griveaux
Cartoons by @michelkichka (Israel) & @plantu (France)