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I just love how confident he's gotten!!! Fantastic. Wonderful. The best panel I have ever seen. The raw emotions just emanating from this one panel, it's perfection on a page. 10/10 Wendy, your art is just absolutely gorgeous and so is Siren lol
Not me simping over a fictional character 😶 I swear these bois raise the bar too high and every single episode they just keep raising it. As well, huge props to Wendy who blesses us with this masterpiece each and every week ❤️
I love how both of these boys were never terrified when they saw Pim in trouble directly in front of them. Both of them jumped at the chance to help and did great jobs. There's still so much that could happen but their courage and hard work was amazing last update!
I know most people didn't find this as thrilling as some of the other moments this episode (and I understand) but I still think Pagoon was totally amazing here. Like he straight up stabbed one in the eye, drawing first blood, being even smaller and younger than Siren; my child <3
The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! Siren went from being literally the most incapable character in this whole series to taking down a behemoth of a creature all by himself. And I'm sure he has so much room to grow too. Kappa is going to be blown away!!!
I'm gonna be honest, when I saw the blood warning and then gazed my eyes upon this panel, I nearly freaked out. I was gonna riot if Arp was killed here but then Siren went sicko mode, so we're good 😌
It was at this moment that every reader knew he would look even hotter with those scars on the side of his face/head. I've been trashing on Siren all season for needing protection but he's really holding his own right now and it is AWESOME!!!
What does he look so mad for?!?! ;-; Like, you stole their mom and mentor and you have the audacity to get angry over it. She probably couldn't even fill you up and there's a whole clan of you guys. I'm just confusion over here
BEST MOM! This reminds me so much of the creature from season 1 but this time we don't have Kappa to try and speak to them. Also, I wouldn't say these guys are inherently evil, since they're probably just hunting for food, but if they hurt best mom, I'm gonna have to retaliate 😤
*Loads Gun* Alright gang, they made Pagoon cry. You know what we gotta do to them now! 😤 Siren's got the right idea, look how angry and fearless he looks here